MidCentral - Building Cultural Competency with CALD Groups

CALD groups refers to culturally and linguistically diverse groups who are migrants and refugees from Asian, Middle Eastern and African backgrounds.

These courses are applicable to staff who work with CALD service users, family/whanau and their carers.

The CALD Cultural Competency “Courses for Working with Patients” aims to:

  • Increase your level of confidence to work with CALD service users and carers.
  • Improve the quality of your engagement with patients and their family/whanau.
  • Improve CALD patients' health outcomes and satisfaction with the services delivered.

It includes a combination of classroom and e-Learning modules - all of which are now available online.

Note: These courses and resources are provided to MidCentral employees by eCALD (Waitemata DHB), an external training organisation and are not managed by MidCentral Ko Awatea Learn and will not be recorded in Yourself.