Hawkes Bay DHB Compression - Lower Limbs Compression Therapy (2024)

Welcome to the Lower Limbs Compression therapy eModule.

This course is designed for Registered nurses who uses compression therapy as part of their nursing practice. It is mainly aimed at the District nurses and Nurses who use compression therapy in the outpatient clinics.
Please note that Compression therapy cannot be prescribed without having a Doppler assessment performed on the patient’s limbs.
You need to complete both modules 1 and 2 as well as familiarise yourself with the different bandaging techniques through the videos before attending the practical demonstration and sign off.
The practical demonstration and sign off needs to be done by a designated District  Resource Nurse or the Wound care CNS.
Once you have completed all the modules, you will be awarded 2 Professional Development Hours.
For any information related to compression therapy,
Contact D.Prettyma Pokhun
CNE, Community Services