This course provides registered nurses/midwives with the knowledge and skills to safely perform PIVC insertion.
Search results: 74
This course is designed to help Registered Nurses obtain the skills and knowledge they need to safely use and maintain a patient's peritoneal dialysis.
This course is designed to provide Nurses and Midwives with some basic information around care of a patient with a PICC line.
This course is for any Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau health care worker who wishes to become a Quit Card provider. It links you out to the Ministry of Health's module called Helping People to Stop Smoking, which you must complete successfully to become a Quit Card provider.
As healthcare providers, we play a key role in supporting the safety of the individuals and families in our care.
Our Violence Intervention Online Refresher Course is aimed at all healthcare professionals who deal with child abuse or intimate partner violence.
This refresher course is for all staff who have attended the VIP Core Training Workshop within the last two years.
This course is designed for all staff who have contact with the public.
Refreshed 21/12/2023
At Te Whatu Ora, we recognise we manage risk in every facet of the national health and disability system.
In this way, how we manage and balance competing risks directly impacts how successful we are in achieving our purpose and objectives to improve the health and wellbeing of our whanau, communities and hauora Māori outcomes across the motu and in doing so give effect to the principles of te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi).
We recognise that to achieve our purpose and objectives, risk management needs to be robust and well-embedded across Te Whatu Ora. This will support the need to control some risks, while others may be embraced as opportunities to be pursued in a well-managed way to change or innovate the way we do things now and in the future. We also acknowledge that some risks we face will never be eliminated, so all staff must consider and respond appropriately to risks within their areas of responsibility.
Te Whatu Ora Enterprise Risk Management Policy
All clinical staff.
Refreshed Feb 2024
S.C.A.R.F is a brain-based model that helps us to collaborate and work effectively with people by understanding how they react to threats and rewards.
This course provides an overview of the pathophysiology of sepsis, covers the adult screening tool and takes learners through the steps of critically analysing and interpreting the clinical presentation of sepsis. It is appropriate for RNs.
This course is targeted at managers, team leaders, health and safety representatives and is required to met the Accident Compensation Corporation ACC accreditation for the Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau staff rehabilitation process.
This course is developed in partnership with Mahitahi Hauora Primary Health Entity and is for registered nurses working in the primary sector under standing orders.
The course provides theoretical preparation for Registered Nurses, issuers, practices and other providers to understand their requirements when developing and working with standing orders.
It does not provide the standing order/s. Standing orders are the responsibility of the practices/providers to develop alongside their issuer and provide education for those working under the standing orders and the standardisation of a process to capture in the PMS when a standing order is actioned. This is to support countersigning/audit requirements.
Contacts: Margarita Bartlett
Josephine Davis
This course introduces learners to the basic principles for stroke care. It is appropriate for all disciplines working with stroke patients.
This online module is a prerequisite for attending the Te Tai Tokerau Safe Sleep Training session, which includes a practice and assessment process. This module is appropriate for staff who are responsible for promoting safe sleep practices and who distribute safe sleep devices.
Access to the Supervision Community of Practice is by invitation only, once the Professional Supervision course is complete.
This course introduces you to the basics of TrendCare and is appropriate for nurses and midwives new to TrendCare and for existing staff who would like a refresher.
Tū Tira (Stand Together) is Northland DHB's Kaimahi Māori Network, a working group, who are tasked with delivering professional development through an annual kaupapa Māori Health Symposium for DHB Māori staff. The focus is on building the capability of our Māori workforce in alignment with the Northland DHB Māori Workforce Affirmative Action Plan.
Tū Tira now offers this monthly webinar series to ALL STAFF to assist an understanding of a Maori world view.
Click on this month's webinar link to start.
Mauri Ora!
This course is an introduction to bias in health care. They encourage health professionals to examine their biases and how they affect the health care they provide, their interactions with consumers, and therefore their health outcomes.
This course has been designed to help you understand the concept of hospital-associated VTE and how to prevent it. You will also learn how to assess a patient’s risk of VTE and bleeding, and, if indicated, choose a suitable prevention method (thromboprophylaxis).
As healthcare providers, we play a key role in supporting the safety of the individuals and families in our care. Our Violence Intervention Programme (VIP), which is aimed at all Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau healthcare professionals who deal with child abuse or inter- familial partner violence.
Once you have completed this module, you may be required to complete the National VIP module prior to attending the core training workshop.
Refreshed 21 Dec 2023
This course is for all nurses and allied health staff who work with adult populations and who may come across vulnerable adults in their work. The course is designed to give learners confidence in identifying a Vulnerable Adult under the Crimes Act and understanding their responsibilities if abuse is disclosed or suspected.