Te Whatu Ora Student Placement Information

What to expect on day one

Risk management and safety

Manual handling

Helping another person to move is considered manual handling, and if done incorrectly can cause harm to you and/or the person you are helping.   

We do not expect you to mobilise patients on your own if you have not had manual handling training. Please ask the patient to wait and use the call button to get another clinical team member’s attention. Stay with the patient and reassure them.  

We do not expect you to use manual handling equipment (such as hoists) that you have not had training for, but you may be asked to assist a trained clinician – you will be given clear instructions about how to do this safely. 

Falls prevention

Te Whatu Ora are committed to providing a safe environment. It is important for staff to follow processes that minimise the risk of slips, trips and falls.  

If you see an obvious hazard, please act to keep everyone safe. If it is safe to resolve this yourself, please do so and report to the person in charge. For example, spilled coffee can be wiped up. If it is not safe to do so or you are not sure if it is safe, ask for help.  

You can offer to help a patient tidy their bed space or move things within their reach. You can put away equipment after it is used. Make sure patients are wearing safe footwear when walking (well-fitting shoes or bare feet, hospital issued socks with rubber grips are preferable to regular socks). 

Bed rails

  • Due to potential risk of injury bed rails are kept down, except when transporting a patient. 
  • Documented consent is required from the patient if they do want to have the bed rails up.
  • Talk to one of the clinical team if you are unsure. 

Privacy, Confidentiality, and Social Media

Our patients and colleagues have the right to privacy, please respect this. Do not take photos or post on social media about your experiences. Familiarise yourself with your district's policies on Social Media and Privacy. 

Complete the national Te Whatu Ora Privacy Training on Ko Awatea LEARN prior to starting your clinical placement.