OPIVA Training Package for Aged Care Private Hospitals in the Waitemata DHB

WDHB CourseRegistered Nurses (RN) within aged care private hospitals are increasingly required to care for patients with central venous access Lines (CVLs) on long term antibiotics. RNs must undertake training and be assessed as competent in the care and management of a patient with CVLs and antibiotics.


The Outpatient Intravenous Antibiotic (OPIVA) training has been designed to provide registered nurses working in private hospital aged care facilities with the essential knowledge required to safely and competently care for patients on the OPIVA programme.

Learning Outcomes

On completion these modules the RN will be able to:

  • State support and follow- up provided by OPIVA Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)
  • Define what a PICC line is and discuss nursing responsibilities
  • Identify potential complications associated with PICC lines and medications
  • List strategies / interventions to prevent and or manage complications
  • Describe nursing responsibilities in caring for an elastomeric infusor

This course is worth 2 hours of Professional Development time.