Risk Lead Network: Datix Training Workshop 1

Who is this for: Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Risk Leads
Prerequisites: Please bring phone, paper and pen, a lap top that has access to Citrix and arrive at least 5 mins before scheduled start time.
Time: 1.5 to 2 hours max.

Method: face-to-face
Frequency: once

The overall aim of this course is provide basic risk management training on Datix (the ADHB's Enterprise Risk Register). 

Training includes how to:

  • get familiar and report and manage risks  
  • access dashboard and create your own reports

At the end of this course you will be able to use Datix to enter and manage all risks in your work area.  And where necessary, provide guidance and training to colleagues on how to use Datix.

On completion of this workshop your attendance will be recorded and an on-line certificate can be issued.