Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS) Introductory

Te Pou courseWhakaminenga / Who is this for: Clinicians Dr/Nurse/OT/SW/Psychologists

Takawā / Time: 60 minutes

About this course

The Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS) is a clinician-rated tool. It is used to measure the health and social functioning of people using services.

Health of the Nation Outcome Scale is used to track a person’s journey through the service and to understand service delivery need.  All DHBs are required by the Ministry of Health to collect outcome information using the HoNOS Tool.

This course has been designed to ensure you are

  • provided with an introductory training to all the HoNOS family of measures
  • familiar with the HoNOS family of measures, their implementation and utility.