At Te Whatu Ora, we recognise we manage risk in every facet of the national health and disability system.
In this way, how we manage and balance competing risks directly impacts how successful we are in achieving our purpose and objectives to improve the health and wellbeing of our whanau, communities and hauora Māori outcomes across the motu and in doing so give effect to the principles of te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi).
We recognise that to achieve our purpose and objectives, risk management needs to be robust and well-embedded across Te Whatu Ora. This will support the need to control some risks, while others may be embraced as opportunities to be pursued in a well-managed way to change or innovate the way we do things now and in the future. We also acknowledge that some risks we face will never be eliminated, so all staff must consider and respond appropriately to risks within their areas of responsibility.
Te Whatu Ora Enterprise Risk Management Policy