Let's get real Tātou tātou: being with people and whānau

Te Pou course

Whakaminenga / Who is this for: people working with people and whānau with mental health and addiction needs

Takawā / Time: 1.5 hours

About this course

Let’s get real is a framework of values, attitudes, knowledge and skills for working with people and whānau with mental health and addiction needs. For more information about Let's get real visithttps://www.tepou.co.nz/initiatives/lets-get-real.

The focus of this e-learning module is the 'essential' level Working with people experiencing mental health and addiction needs Real Skill

Everyone working in health engages meaningfully and works in partnership with people who experience mental health and addiction needs, and focuses on the person’s strengths to support wellbeing and recovery.

Essential engagement skills are a key component of this Real Skill. 

These skills are for anyone being with people and whānau within the health sector.

This e-learning aims to help you understand what engaging and being with people means for you in your role.