The overall aim of this page is to provide nurses new to Te Toka Tumai Auckland with access to all the Ko Awatea resources they may need to familiarise themselves with to practice safely.
Ward 74 ORL HNS Landing Page
This course is for all staff working in OtoRhinoLaryngology Head & Neck Service (ORL HNS).
ORL HNS believes in the philosophy of skill acquisition and professional development. The service recognizes that knowledge, skills and confidence develop over time with structured support.
Provides learning and feedback to assist nurses to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to provide safe and effective patient care.
Enables the development of a range of transferable clinical, professional and personal skills which can be used in care delivery, teamwork and leadership throughout one’s career.
Minimizes risk by ensuring that all staff know the standard of care required in the specialty, and that care is provided by those competent to deliver it.