ADHBLOGOThis forum is for the HRBP and OD team of Auckland DHB.

Do you have questions for the group or just want to share something that you have learnt?

Are you thinking of something that may be of interest to others in this group?

Here you can build connections and share information.

ADHBLOGOThis is a forum for the Auckland District Health Board's Speak up Supporters group.

The forum is for building our team and connections, sharing information and providing useful resources.

Any questions or comments please contact Katie Quinney

You're invited to join us for the Nursing Forums of 2021.  These forums will be hosted by our Nurse Directors and their expert knowledge guests and will be supported by Manawa Awhi| Nursing Development Unit.

Every day we care for patients with compassion and professionalism.  Some of our more vulnerable patients need extra support.  To help us all deliver best practice and keep up to date with the latest evidence we are making this our focus for 2021.

Every month we will focus on a different aspect from this patient group.  We'll be sharing the most up to date guidance and research, sharing good practice from teams and individualswith each month hosted by a different set of panelists.

The forums are open to all nurses and any other professionals with an interest in the topic.  Attendance and completion of a short quiz afterwards will even earn you CPE credits (more details on this will be shared during the forum).

Attend in person, or zoom in from the comfort of wherever you are.

Can't watch it live? Recordings of the forums will be made available on this page, after the event.