Keeping our staff, our patients, their family and whanau is key requirement for ALL Waitemata DHB staff member.

Regardless of your role, we ALL have a responsibility to keep ourselves safe and look out for the safety of others.  Within this programme is a variety of training material designed to provide you with the right level of capability and confidence in safety and security for your role.

Safety & Security Framework

Blueprint for Learning training reflects a philosophy of recovery and empowerment using best practice to help people become full and active members of their communities.

Our workshops use adult education principles, with a variety of activities, videos and teaching tools to cater for different learning styles of participants. In addition, our expert facilitators bring a wealth of professional and personal experience to the topics covered.

Safety Intervention Advanced Refresher 2 Days

Participants: Security roles.

Duration: 2 days

About this course:

The Safety Intervention Advanced Refresher Workshop is a two day workshop.

(Safety Interventions, Advanced and Emergency)

Please note that both days of the workshop are intense work both physically and mentally for 6.5 hours each day.

Please note: Prior to signing up to attend this course please ensure you have discussed with your manager and gained approval to attend so that appropriate measures are taken to manage staff cover in your absence from your role.

WDHB CourseParticipants: Identified clinical and security roles that are either part of Code Orange team, or work in services where there is increased exposure to potentially aggressive situations.

Duration: 3 day workshop

Course contact: Learning and Development team

The Safety Intervention Advanced Workshop is a three day workshop designed for staff who have roles or work in areas where they are more likely to encounter aggressive situations, patients or visitors.

You MUST attend the SI 2 day Foundation course prior to being able to sign up to attend on this course.

Participants: Any clinical and nonclinical staff that are patient and visitor facing at Waitemata DHB

Duration: 1 day workshop

Course contact: Learning and Development team

The Satefy Intervention Workshop (formerly MAPA Foundation 1 day) is a one day workshop designed for staff to identify behaviour that indicates an escalation toward aggressive and violent behaviour and take appropriate measures to avoid, decelerate and/or de-escalate a potential crisis situation.

Topics covered are:

  • Deceleration and Prevention Strategies
  • Decision Making and Behavioural Risk
  • Post event strategies