At Te Whatu Ora Lakes we have the following three Mandatory trainings which need to be periodically refreshed as per timelines mentioned below.

1. Health and Safety e-Learning
On commencement and every 2 years thereafter
2. Electrical Safety Training
Within one month of commencement and 2 yearly thereafter for Clinical and 5 yearly for Non Clinical Staff
3. Fire Training                    Within one month of commencement and every 2 years thereafter

Please check your learning records through "Yourself and Your employment" section on intranet, and complete these eModules if you are due for a refresher.

Happy Learning!

Please access Ko Awatea via Icon in Start Menu or on desktop shortcut.

If you have any queries - Please email

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General electrical safety information is required for all clinical and non-clinical staff working with electrical equipment in a medical facility

Who for All staff

This course is Required under:

Health & Safety in Employment Act 1992, Section 25-27 ι ACC Audit Standard 4.1 ι Lakes DHB DHB Policy 37679


45 minutes

Requirement to complete Mandatory within 3 months of orientation, then every two years

Who for: All staff
What: At Te Whatu Ora Lakes there are systems and processes in place to help keep you safe in the event of a fire. As a staff member you are part of these processes so it is important that you know what to do and can act immediately should you hear a fire alarm or see a fire in your area.
Time: 1 hours

Requirement to complete

Mandatory within one month of orientation and then every two years

Please access this course from Edge