This short course takes the learner through the foundations of giving kinder feedback. Learners will be taken through both the WHY the WHAT and the HOW of giving appreciation and critical feedback through video-based learning. Learners will be shown practical tools and techniques that can be practiced straight away.

Course duration: 30 minutes

Course objectives:

  • To explore the reasons why giving feedback is important, both appreciative and critical feedback
  • To identify what giving kinder feedback looks like in practice and when we need to and do not need to give it
  • To learn the basics of how to give feedback in the kindest way and to deliver the best results using our simple BUILD and ABC tools and techniques

This course guides learners through application of the BUILD feedback model through interactive video scenarios. Learners are shown different scenarios where feedback might be given covering rudeness, bullying, performance management and safety. They are asked to choose from a selection of options what should happen next and are taken through a series of potential outcomes until they reach the best possible outcome.

Targeted audience: Those staff who have already completed Foundations of Kinder or Great Feedback, Great Results

Course duration: approx. 70 minutes

Course objectives:

  • To practice further the BUILD model introduced in Foundations of Kinder Feedback
  • To demonstrate real world scenarios where the BUILD model can be practiced effectively
  • To illustrate how giving feedback in the wrong way can lead to undesirable outcomes

Feedback is at the heart of safe, engaged organisations. It is fundamental to creating a Just Culture and a culture of learning and growth. People need to feel safe in giving feedback and know how to give feedback with manaaki, in a kind and respectful way. This eLearning programme gives people the knowledge, skills and tools and confidence to do this.

This course provides a more in-depth learning about giving feedback and explores in detail the BUILD feedback model and the ABC model of appreciation. You will understand how judgments can often play a role in giving the wrong kind of feedback and how to avoid this. You will also be able to practice and prepare for using these models in their lives and create an action plan moving forward.

Course duration: Approximately 70 minutes

Course objectives:

  • Understand the risks and potential impact of not speaking up
  • Learn about the WHAT, WHY and HOW of appreciation including the ABC model of Appreciation
  • Identify the benefits of giving praise
  • Learn about the WHAT, WHY and HOW of giving great feedback including the BUILD feedback model
  • Explore using the BUILD model in practice and in more detail
  • Understand the difference between facts and judgments
  • Practice real world scenarios where BUILD may be used
  • Make preparations to start practicing and using BUILD
  • Learn how to receive feedback as a GIFT
  • Create an Action plan for next steps