HVDHB - MEWS and vital signs

Who for     
  • Midwives and nurses working in maternity
  • Nurses working in non-maternity wards where pregnant or recently pregnant women may receive care 
  • Doctors and other clinicians who are responders for escalation
This course provides an introduction to using the Maternity Early Warning System (MEWS): vital signs chart and maternity early warning score. 

The chart and MEWS are tools to support clinical judgement, critical thinking and autonomy. They provide a safety net to reduce failures to identify maternal morbidity, and act as a prompt for clinicians to take action. The system is designed to influence a change in culture so that escalation of clinical care is consistent and fully supported using objectively defined criteria. 

The system is used for all women who are pregnant, or have recently been pregnant in the last 42 days, pregnant or after birth, miscarriage and termination. 

Time           30 minutes
Contact      Wendy Castle